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June 29, 2023


The other name given to Bakrid is Eid Ul Adha. The Muslims celebrate this event for three days, and specific animals are slaughtered on this day. As the month named Hajjah comes, the arrangements for the three days of the festival are started, and when the 5th of Hajja comes, the performances are completed. The animals for slaughtering are bought and decorated with flowers and garlands in india. Other than india, it is also celebrated in other countries where Muslim communities live. 

Arrangements on Bakrid

The animals are taken from the animal’s houses. The specified animals can be slaughtered on one of the days among these three days, and those are sheep and camel in india. The cow cannot be killed in india as she is the God of the all-Hindu community, and they dont allow to slaughter her on these three days. The slaughtered animals are decorated well before these days and, on event day, killed with great respect by all Muslims, and Qurbani is offered to God. 

Celebrations related to Bakrid

All the Muslim celebrators of india wear new dresses on these days. The special Bakrid foods are also cooked and offered to all family members and relatives. The religious people offer those cooked food to the poor to add to the happiness of Eid. While dividing Qurbani animal meat, the poor are also reminded, and the meat is given to them. The dresses are also presented to the poor as a gift by the rich religious Muslims of india to make them happy so they can also enjoy the happiness of Eid. Great prayers are also offered to God, and all Indian Muslims pay special thanks to God as gratitude.


June 29, 2023
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