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Nag Panchami

August 21, 2023

Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami is the event that the Hindus will celebrate on the 21st of August in 2023. The Most significant festival in the Hindu religion is called Nag Panchami due to different reasons. The Lord that is worshipped on Nag Panchami is named Naga Devta. The Naga Devta has a unique name given to it on this day: Serpent Gods. There are Naga Devta Fasts that are offered on this day. Due to this fact, the fasting person takes different benefits. In those benefits, there is a benefit of the protection against the Snake like Snake bites, etc. Due to the great functions of the Fast of the day, all the peoples that believe in the religion of Hindus offer this fast. 

Nag Panchami Advantage

There are unlimited advantages of Nag Panchami for that person who offers fast on this day. The one value is that there is protection from all types of snakes in India. The people on this festival strongly believe that if they offered the Fast on this event, the snakebite would never affect them, and the snake would die if it bit the fasting person. Another benefit that can be gained on this day is the opportunity to worship the Serpent God. Special Puja activities are offered to the Serpent God with all the arrangements. In those arrangements, one is the arranging of special milk used to wash the Idols of Serpent, and then the Puja is also offered by taking that milk in one hand. 

Worships on Nag Panchami festival

In the worship list, the first worship is offering milk to the live snakes. It is the idea of the Hindus that if the milk is provided to the snakes and they drink it, it is the good luck of the milk-offering person. The other activity offered is the Fast contributed to snake activity. In this, the Fast is kept for the alive snakes, and prayers are offered to them as they are taken as the God of the day. While providing the Puja to Serpent, the flowers are also considered and offered to God after Puja. The flowers are used to make garlands for God and then delivered to it.


August 21, 2023
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